
Guide links:

Progress 1 - ee2000

Introduction to Graduation 

Progress ee2k - ee5k 

Theories 1 - 4 

Theories 5 - 7 

Theory 8 and R9 

Theory 9 to Endgame 

Custom theories 

Also, I highly encourage everyone to read the actual exponential idle guides:

General guide info


Stars are obtained passively over time.
You have a tick star chance, which is the chance you will get a star every tick.
This amount starts at 0.04%, and scales with dt. Basically, more dt = more stars.
Also, you can play minigames. If you can afford and complete it, hard arrow is the best minigame. Furthermore, the achivement for solving the expert arrow puzzles awards 125 stars, so, after buying the arrow minigame, one can complete expert arrow once and get a full refund.
Minigame rewards are also scaled with dt, but it may not be immediately apparent if you are at the start of the game, you might need quite a bit of dt for this so start having an affect.

Main equation explanation

The main equation looks intimidating, but is actually quite simple. Here's the breakdown

f(t+dt) = f(t) * e ^ bxdt
(for post 2k equation refer to intro to grad)

Essentially, it means that every second, your current f(t) is multiplied by e^bxdt, where e is eulers number (1.71828)

For example, if your b and dt are 1, and your f(t) and x are 2, then on the next time step, your f(t) of 1 will increase by a factor of e ^ bxdt = e ^ 1*2*1 = e^2, which is approximately 7.39. So afterwards, your f(t) will be multiplied by 7.39. 2 * 7.29 is approximately 14.54, so after 1 second your ft will have increased from 2 to 14.5

This repeated multiplication means your ft will increase exponentially (going faster) over time. This means that the number after 1 e will appear to grow linearly (a constant speed) and the number after ee will appear to grow logarithmically (slowing down).

Note that because of this, a more reasonable way of doing costs is by dividing instead of subtracting. For example, if you have 1000 f(t) and buy something that costs 100 ft, afterwords you will have 10 ft, not 900.

Autoprestige and Autosupremacy formulae


((timer(pt * d(ln(ln(db / b + 1))) < 1)> 3 * tr && db > b &&((d(smooth(10^10^10^(phi * tau), 1)) > 1)&& timer(abs(d(log10(phi + 1))) < 50) > 15))&& phi > 1) ||((timer(pt * d(ln(ln(db / b + 1))) < 1)> 3 * tr) && db > b &&((phi >= 1 && phi <= 1) ||((0.8 * log10(log10(lf)) > log10(log10(gf))) ||(0.8 * log10(log10(gf)) > log10(log10(sf))))))

(for more info please read progress ee50 to ee200)


timer(d(ln(db / b + 1) / pt) < 0)> 3 * tr && db > b&& dpsi + psi > min(min(costUpS(1),costUpS(2)), costUpS(3))&& ln(1 + max(1, log10(sf)) /smooth(max(1, log10(gf)),(st > tr) * ee99)) / max(1, st) <smooth(ln(1 + max(1, log10(sf)) /smooth(max(1, log10(gf)), (st > tr)* ee99)) / max(1, st), (pt > tr) * ee99)

Remember to set your mode to equation
IMPORTANT! After you input this, do a manual supremacy. Anytime you enter the edit expression field (the place where you put this in) you have to do another manual supremacy or this will break
Also, you have to have you autobuyers set to x1 or xMax

(for more info please read progress ee200 to ee2k)


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